Joni Mitchell beschaamd over de muziekindustrie
De Canadese zangeres en liedjesschrijfster Joni Mitchell schaamt zich ervoor dat zij onderdeel is van de muziekindustrie. Die branche is een 'poel vol zonden', zei zij in een interview met het tijdschrift Rolling Stone.
De 58-jarige Mitchell vertelde dat zij zichzelf afvraagt of zij nog wel cd's moet opnemen. De platenmaatschappijen buiten volgens Mitchell de musici uit. Ook de televisiezender MTV krijgt er van langs. Ze vindt het erg dat zelfs haar driejarige kleindochter zich in het kruis grijpt om de clips van MTV te imiteren.
"Het is tragisch wat MTV de wereld heeft aangedaan."
Mitchell aan het slot van het interview dat haar werd afgenomen door David Wild
in Rolling Stone:
Has the music business changed very much in your lifetime?
Well, no, I've been screwed from the beginning. There wasn't any bidding war for me in the beginning. It was like I was like Rachmaninoff, a late romantic or something -- what I was doing was already over, you know. Nobody wanted to really take a chance on me, so the deal that I got was just atrocious. I mean, it was like slave labor, really -- no points, no budget. And I've never really had a good deal in the business. So I would never take another deal in the record business, which means I may not record again, or I have to figure out a way to sell over the Net or do something else. But I'd be damned if I'll line their pockets.
So how do you feel when some people say the whole business is going
down the crapper?
I hope it all goes down the crapper. It's top-heavy, it's wasteful. It's an insane business. Now, this is all calculated music. It's calculated for sales, it's sonically calculated, it's rudely calculated. I'm ashamed to be a part of the music business. You know, I just think it's a cesspool.