De Russische folkgroep DrevA wil in de zomer op festivals optreden, en heeft nog enkele datums vrij in hun agenda. We ontvingen de volgende mail, bedoeld voor organisatoren van concerten, festivals en andere muzikale evenementen:

Dear music friends!

Russian folk group "DrevA" will be in Europe in  concert-festival tour. We still have free days during our summer tour and we are ready to consider different offers from organizers of concerts or festivals.

We will go by our car and will be 5 members. You can see our pages where you can see our demo VIDEO, photos, listen our songs in mp3. We send information about our group. If it need we can send you more information.

Group "DrevA" performs the songs from the different parts of Russia: Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, Briansk regions, Cossak songs from Don and Kuban regions. Repertoire of the group includes ritual, lingering, dance, drinking-songs, old country games and tradition instrumental music.

The actors perform in the genuine costumes, play tradition instruments such as: balalaika, violin, Russian accordion, wind-instruments (caluka, cugikla), tambourine, drum, scythe ...

We will consider with interest any suggestion. If it needed we would send you some more information about our folk-group.

Yours sincerely,
Music director of folk group "DrevA"
Elena Mushnikova

Director of folk-group "DrevA"
Yury Treskov

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De groep heeft de afgelopen jaren op diverse festivals gespeeld, met name in Italië, maar ook in o.a. Spanje, Zwitserland, Denemarken, het Kaustinen festival in Finland en TFF Rudolstadt in Duitsland. Websites:  en