Internationale belangstelling voor Wè-nun Henk

Zoals wij gisteren reeds konden melden speelt de Brabantse groep Wè-nun Henk 11 juli in Leuven tijdens Beleuvenissen (zie rubriek Festivals). Wè-nun Henk treedt steeds vaker op in België, sinds de groep begin dit jaar de cd Rum uitbracht. Vorige week zaterdag stonden ze op het Boink-festival in Borsbeek, 6 juli a.s. in Antwerpen-Borgerhout bij Muziek in de Wijk in het Krugerpark (15 uur) en dan 11 juli in Leuven. De toenemende internationale belangstelling voor Wè-nun Henk blijkt ook uit een artikel op de site Dit Engels/Duitse internettijdschrift publiceert een recensie over de 'Rum'-cd, geschreven door Eelco Schilder, die ook schrijft voor het Nederlands folk tijdschrift New Folk Sounds.
Hier kun je lezen hoe de Engelse en Duitse folkliefhebbers kennis maken met Wè-nun Henk:

We nun Henk "RUM"
Label: Private release 2003; Playing time: 25.57 min
We nun henk is one of the few Dutch young folkbands. Their getting known more and more across the country and slowly but surely the quality of their music gets at a higher level. Their latest release is a special tribute project about the Belgian band RUM. This legendary Belgian folk band from the 1970's, could be seen as the most important folk group in Belgian history.
We nun henk has been highly inspired by this group and that's why they decided to record this special project cd. They choose ten songs and perform them with respect and in high quality. The vocals of Luc Plompen are strong and I love the way the group plays with the songs.
Especially Het lyuiaardsgild is a highlight on this album. This because of the combination vocals and Katrien Bos on Contrabass which make this song very intense. How different is the famous song Jan mijne man a happy atmosphere complete with whistles and beating drum.
It are the instrumentals that are the weak links. I love the Muzette and we nun henk tries hard but can't even come close to the original version. The guitar is to careful and sounds unsure while this is a very powerful, dramatic tune. But besides this the cd is more than worth buying. It's a long time since I've enjoyed a Dutch production as much as I enjoyed this RUM cd. Artist homepage: ; contact to artist: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.